The features of the mutual influence caused by the ice cover of the Arctic waters and the meridional components of the atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth are considered
The structure of a virus and its interaction with cells is considered from the standpoint of systems theory for the first time. The substantiation of attributing the virus to a complex system and a living organism is given.
One of the aspects concerning the evolution (unfolding) of an abstract system of relations is investigated; this makes it possible to reveal its characteristic limiting relative speed and show that it differs little from the speed of light in the application.
The reasons for the uneven dynamics of the development of the human system are shown. A hypothesis is put forward about a new driving force of mankind’s development.
Статьи в выпуске: 4
The objective of this work is to clarify the reasons for the uneven dynamics of the development of the human system. The named dynamics changes in different periods of human history. Opportunities for human’ activities are included in our system model. This model of the human system consists of elements that have not changed since its inception. This means that the elements of the system are invariants. These elements represent opportunities for human action. Social structures as well as the impact of humanity on the environment are excluded from the system model.
In this article, a hypothesis is put forward about a new driving force of mankind’s development. The previously known driving forces are global climate change and the driving forces of biological evolution. We show the correlation between the graph of the new driving force and the curve of the growing number of invariants in our model. The growth of the driving force is very uneven. The emergence of new invariants is the response of the system to the pressure of the driving force. This correlation explains the reason for the uneven dynamics of the development of mankind’s system.
This article is interdisciplinary in nature. It examines issues related to complex systems, geological eras, global climate, mankind’s history.
One of the aspects concerning the evolution (unfolding) of an abstract system of relations is investigated; this makes it possible to reveal its characteristic limiting relative speed and show that it differs little from the speed of light in the application. A structural approach is used, which basically excludes the specifics of specific systems. The analysis tools are the previously proposed protostructure and the order parameter n based on it. The structure is interpreted as a network consisting of nodes being allowed states and their links, which are rules responsible for stability. The structure is understood as a set of relationships, and the protostructure acts as its supposed principium endowed with a cyclic nature and specifying the spectrum of positions for the order parameter n k, where k = 1, 2, 3… 10 is the ordinal number of a node in the cycle 1:10. This mentioned cycle contains, in particular, the nodes n 2 and n 3, while most of the normalizations are performed using k = 3, which is convenient for application. The links between the previously revealed initial boundary of the system of relationships n min and the splitting Δ 3 for the node n 3 are considered; the splitting is also established on the basis of model considerations and corresponds to observations. Initially, the node n 2 is rigidly connected to the boundary n min. In this paper, we analyse the appearance and evolution of the link between the boundary n min and the node n 3 and the downplaying of the initial link with n 2. A search procedure n min is considered depending on the selection of Δ 3,. The positions n min and n 3 differ by about 4 orders of magnitude and are treated as a single system. The analysis is based on offsets of nodes relative to the original position, which allows us to ignore the difference in orders. The evolution process is unfolded as a scenario, or a set of successive steps or structural events, as a result of which a high degree of compatibility of system nodes is realized.
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The structure of a virus and its interaction with cells is considered from the standpoint of systems theory for the first time. The substantiation of attributing the virus to a complex system and a living organism is given. The natural process of interaction between complex systems that are higher in the hierarchy than a virus is carried out through the exchange of information embedded in their code. The general mechanism of interaction between living complex systems is predicted by exchanging the systems that are on a lower hierarchy level. The regularity of changes not only in organisms and cells, but also in viruses during their interactions and mutations is substantiated on the basis of the laws of systems theory.
The paper considers the features of the mutual influence caused by the ice cover of the Arctic waters and the meridional components of the atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth, which are manifested in the modern period. The identification of such features is an urgent problem of climatology, meteorology, oceanography, as well as the maritime transport industry.
The subject of this research is the statistical relationship between interannual changes in a number of characteristics of the Arctic ice cover and components of the atmospheric circulation. The features of the impact of external factors on them are also investigated.
The paper checks the adequacy of the hypothesis put forward that the significant factors of the interannual variability of the characteristics belonging to Arctic Air Outbreak that occur in the summer season in a number of regions of the Arctic include variations in the state of their ice cover caused by the combined effect of global warming and the decline of the average level of solar activity taking place in the current period.
To achieve this goal, there are considered the results of a retrospective analysis of changes in 1993–2019 concerning average daily values of the average thickness of the ice cover, its concentration, average temperature and salinity of the surface layer of the Arctic water areas, as well as air temperatures and meridional components of wind speed in various layers of the troposphere. The specified information has been obtained from the GLORYS, V12, NCEP / NCAR, and ERA - Interim electronic databases. The method of correlation analysis and statistical goodness-of-fit tests were used to assess the adequacy of the hypothesis under consideration.
Using the example of the Arctic waters located in the European, Siberian, Far Eastern and Pacific sectors of the Northern Hemisphere, the features of the mutual influence of changes in the state of their ice cover and meridional components of the atmospheric circulation in the summer season are revea