Архив статей журнала

Выпуск: № 2 (8) (2020)
Авторы: Смирнов Владимир

One of the aspects concerning the evolution (unfolding) of an abstract system of relations is investigated; this makes it possible to reveal its characteristic limiting relative speed and show that it differs little from the speed of light in the application. A structural approach is used, which basically excludes the specifics of specific systems. The analysis tools are the previously proposed protostructure and the order parameter n based on it. The structure is interpreted as a network consisting of nodes being allowed states and their links, which are rules responsible for stability. The structure is understood as a set of relationships, and the protostructure acts as its supposed principium endowed with a cyclic nature and specifying the spectrum of positions for the order parameter n k, where k = 1, 2, 3… 10 is the ordinal number of a node in the cycle 1:10. This mentioned cycle contains, in particular, the nodes n 2 and n 3, while most of the normalizations are performed using k = 3, which is convenient for application. The links between the previously revealed initial boundary of the system of relationships n min and the splitting Δ 3 for the node n 3 are considered; the splitting is also established on the basis of model considerations and corresponds to observations. Initially, the node n 2 is rigidly connected to the boundary n min. In this paper, we analyse the appearance and evolution of the link between the boundary n min and the node n 3 and the downplaying of the initial link with n 2. A search procedure n min is considered depending on the selection of Δ 3,. The positions n min and n 3 differ by about 4 orders of magnitude and are treated as a single system. The analysis is based on offsets of nodes relative to the original position, which allows us to ignore the difference in orders. The evolution process is unfolded as a scenario, or a set of successive steps or structural events, as a result of which a high degree of compatibility of system nodes is realized.
In the appendix, the system und

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