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Статья: A Polarimetric Thermal Database for Face Recognition Research

We present a polarimetric thermal face database, the
first of its kind, for face recognition research. This
database was acquired using a polarimetric longwave
infrared imager, specifically a division-of-time spinning
achromatic retarder system. A corresponding set of visible
spectrum imagery was also collected, to facilitate cross-
spectrum (also referred to as heterogeneous) face
recognition research. The database consists of imagery
acquired at three distances under two experimental
conditions: neutral/baseline condition, and expressions condition. Annotations (spatial coordinates of key fiducial points) are provided for all images. Cross-spectrum face recognition performance on the database is benchmarked using three techniques: partial least squares, deep perceptual mapping, and coupled neural networks

Формат документа: pdf
Год публикации: 2020
Кол-во страниц: 8 страниц
Владелец: Старцев Вадим
Доступ: Всем
Статья: Infrared polarimetric sensing of oil on water

Infrared polarimetry is an emerging sensing modality that offers the potential for significantly enhanced contrast in
situations where conventional thermal imaging falls short. Polarimetric imagery leverages the different polarization
signatures that result from material differences, surface roughness quality, and geometry that are frequently different from
those features that lead to thermal signatures. Imaging of the polarization in a scene can lead to enhanced understanding,
particularly when materials in a scene are at thermal equilibrium. Polaris Sensor Technologies has measured the
polarization signatures of oil on water in a number of different scenarios and has shown significant improvement in
detection through the contrast improvement offered by polarimetry. The sensing improvement offers the promise of
automated detection of oil spills and leaks for routine monitoring and accidents with the added benefit of being able to
continue monitoring at night. In this paper, we describe the instrumentation, and the results of several measurement
exercises in both controlled and uncontrolled conditions

Формат документа: pdf
Год публикации: 2020
Кол-во страниц: 10 страниц
Владелец: Старцев Вадим
Доступ: Всем

В работе представлен краткий обзор подходов для моделирования взаимодействия
поляризованного света с мутными рассевающими средами. В данной работе представлены несколько
реализаций программ Монте–Карло, отслеживающих состояние поляризации рассеянного света. Рассмотрено
несколько классов моделей, основанных на формализме Стокса–Мюллера и формализме Джонса.
Проанализированы их преимущества и недостатки

Формат документа: pdf
Год публикации: 2020
Кол-во страниц: 12 страниц
Владелец: Старцев Вадим
Доступ: Всем