SCI Библиотека
SciNetwork библиотека — это централизованное хранилище научных материалов всего сообщества... ещё…
SciNetwork библиотека — это централизованное хранилище научных материалов всего сообщества... ещё…
This manual is designed according to syllabus of biology for students of Medical faculty. It will be a guide to action for students during their practical work.
This manual is designed according to syllabus of biology for students of Medical faculty. It will be a guide to action for students during their practical work.
This study guide is recommended for students of disciplines “General medicine”, “Dentistry”, “Pediatrics”, who study the discipline of “Biology”. It can be used to train students of medical and biological specialities alongside with self-study of the discipline of “Biology”. The study guide includes theoretical material for curricular and extracurricular work of students. The publication is approved by the methodological committee at the Central Russian affiliate of FSBEI Federal Scientific Center named after I.V. Michurin (Minutes № 8 dated 11/01/2019); at the meeting of the Department of Medical Biology with a course of infectious diseases of FSBEI HE “Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin “(Minutes № 5 dated 12/01/2019).