The authors examine the discourse of commencement speech, analyze its structural and compositional features as well as its pragmatic characteristics. A commencement address may be considered to be a combination of three types of discourse: political, didactic and congratulatory. It is noted that commencement address can be regarded as means of affecting collective consciousness of the addressee. Discourse analysis supposes considering the addresser and the addressee of the speech, the communicative situation, the social context and the contents of the speech. The authors believe that the use of pragmatic means of manipulating collective consciousness plays an important role in the formation of the moral values of a nation. The individuals whose speeches have been analyzed can be referred to the following types determined by their psychological characteristics: rational, emotional, philosophical and artistic. Rational types of speakers use arguments to make the meaning clear. People belonging to emotional types make their speech more expressive, they mostly rely on their feelings. The discourse of a commencement address features not only individual characteristics of the speaker and the speaker’s charisma, but also the speaker’s belonging to a particular linguistic culture. The speech impact exerted on the listeners in the process of public speaking is associated with a certain transformation of the addressee’s individual and collective consciousness. The peculiarities of speech influence are in the fact that certain information is encoded in the speaker’s discourse which is decoded by the listener. This information affects a possible or an actual change of listener’s activity. The authors conclude that pragmatic means play a primary role in the manipulation of collective consciousness and the promotion of moral values.
Reforms and initiatives applied to the field of Russian higher education during the past decade focus particularly on extending the scope of communicative educational space and scientific fields integration. Consequently, linguistic competence contributing to significant acceleration of the processes of globalization and internationalization of the society as a whole becomes the key component of higher professional education. It is necessary to ascertain that the current system of language education in Russian universities fails to deal with the tasks in hand comprehensively. The search for more efficient didactical tools and ways of organizing teaching processes culminated in choosing the paradigm of integrated education, specifically, integration of subject knowledge and foreign language. This approach is well-renowned in scientific and educational literature as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). The major objective of the present article is to analyze the current attempts of implementing CLIL in Russian Universities through the example of Tomsk Polytechnic University. The analysis comprises the effectiveness of CLIL didactic capacity, the prerequisites for its emergence as well as needs and challenges in the system of Russian higher education and intellectual labor market. As a conclusion, we offer a systematic list of measures that tend to improve the situation
Настоящая научная статья посвящена исследованию и анализу развития игрового направления компании Sony. В исследовании предпринимается попытка углубленного анализа многогранных аспектов развития и эволюции игрового бизнеса в рамках данной компании, начиная от ее первых шагов на игровом рынке и до современного положения в индустрии развлечений.
Статья включает в себя исторический обзор развития игрового отдела Sony, начиная с выпуска первой игровой приставки компании и развития франшиз до выхода последних игровых консолей и знаковых игр. В рамках исследования также рассматриваются ключевые стратегические шаги, сделанные компанией в сфере игрового бизнеса, включая акцент на эксклюзивный контент, партнерства и продвижение онлайн-сервисов.
Статья включает анализ влияния игрового бизнеса на финансовые результаты компании, брендирование и ее восприятие на рынке интерактивных развлечений, а также перспектив в условиях современного олигополистического рынка видеоигр.
Современный информационный мир создает новые технологии, которые ранее казались возможными только в научно-фантастических фильмах и книгах, но стали реальностью. Появление генеративных нейросетей, таких как ChatGPT, создало проблемную ситуацию в научном сообществе и образовании, которая заключается в возможности этичного использования продуктов нейросетей в научной работе. В отечественном и зарубежном интеллектуальном пространстве возникла дилемма, которая не позволяла определить место и возможные действия, применимые в научной деятельности.
Цель: рассмотреть современные попытки взаимодействия научного сообщества и искусственного интеллекта, а также предложить вариант их успешной коммуникации. Актуальность обусловлена всплеском общественной и научной дискуссии о влиянии искусственного интеллекта и нейросетей на производство научного знания. Исследуется и подвергается критике философский взгляд, который исходит из того, что нейросети являются проблемой современного общества (Н. Хомски), а также предлагается проект вписывания нейросетей и искусственного интеллекта в научный дискурс, опираясь на методологию Б. Латура и акторно-сетевой теории. В статье отстаивается позиция использования продуктов нейросетей в качестве инструмента проведения научного исследования.
Вывод: представлено решение проблемы взаимодействия науки и искусственного интеллекта с помощью акторно-сетевой теории Б. Латура, позволяющей рассматривать нейросеть как составную часть научной деятельности.
The paper considers the attributive lexeme “perfect” as a linguistic and cultural phenomenon in the English language. The aim of the study is the semantic analysis of nominative collocations with “perfect”, based on the material of the British National Corpus (BNC), which contained about 3000 contextual occurrences, with the application of such methods as definition analysis, semantic and functional categorisation, quantitative analysis and cognitive modelling. From the theoretical standpoint, the research is valuable for a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and its semantic structure, especially in connection to its derivative “perfectionism” which is regarded as a professional term. Practically, the results can be interesting in the pedagogical context for teaching cognitive and translation studies, since “perfect” has a branched semantic structure and wide scope of use. As a result of the research, the function-based semantic structure of the concept was revealed: the immediate contextual collocations were identified; the semantic fields were described. The A+N structure, where A is filled with “perfect”, and N can be potentially represented with any noun from the BNC, was in the focus of the study. The findings show that about eighteen nouns can be qualified as typical due to their high occurrence rate, while the rest are characterized by different degrees of semantic proximity and were clustered into three peripheral semantic areas. As for the cognitive modelling, nineteen conceptual categories in the “perfect” interpretation field were identified, mainly of evaluation and function. The conceptual interpretation field was extended in terms of the qualitative meaning of the attribute “perfect”, owing to the interaction mechanism of pragmatic, communicative and linguistic factors which determine semantic relations of linguistic units under various contextual conditions.
In this research paper, I investigate the controlled text generation capabilities of ruGPT3Large through fine-tuning, specifically focusing on generating movie reviews based on a designated sentiment attribute. Controlled text generation is an active area of inquiry within the domain of Natural Language Processing, particularly for the Russian language. This study exemplifies a simple approach to controllable text generation by training ruGPT3 on a textual dataset containing sentiment-marked prompts, enabling the model to recognize patterns and generate analogous texts. The research provides a comprehensive analysis of the limitations, shortcomings and merits of fine-tuning a large language model using prompts embedded in a dataset. The generated texts exhibit coherence, logical structure, abundant coreferential links, and narratives and vocabularies characteristic of film reviews. Nevertheless, ruGPT3-generated reviews exhibit certain linguistic errors. I classify the most prevalent errors, such as named entity confusion, grammatical gender inconsistencies and sentiment fluctuations. Given that the primary objective is to evaluate the efficacy of basic fine-tuning with respect to the specified attribute, both automatic sentiment analysis and human evaluation are employed for output assessment. In comparing the outputs of the fine-tuned model and the baseline ruGPT3Large, I observe that positive sentiment generation is the most successful, while neutral and negative sentiments are produced by the models less accurately.
В статье рассмотрен генезис цензуры, проанализированы отличительные характеристики работы цензурных ведомств в царское время и СССР. Доказано, что в дореволюционный период преобладала предварительная цензура, запрещались произведения до выхода их в свет. Это позволяло контролировать публикуемые материалы и предотвращать распространение инакомыслия. В Советском Союзе в основном действовала карательная цензура, предполагающая наказания авторов, вплоть до репрессий. Наряду с этим, продолжала функционировать предварительная цензура, но она имела латентный характер. Несмотря на всемогущественность контроля над произведениями и авторами в советское время, цензура всё же не могла полностью остановить развитие культурного дискурса, влекшего за собой скрытое сопротивление и подпольное творчество (самиздаты). В статье приведены примеры разных методов карательной цензуры в СССР, рассмотрено такое явление как доносы, пользовавшиеся необычайной популярностью среди советских граждан. Новизна статьи заключается в анализе механизма контроля массмадиа в дореволюционное и советское время с помощью культурно-исторического подхода. Эмпирической базой стали научные работы по данной тематике, дневники цензоров, статьи в самих средствах массовой информации.
The goal of this paper is to describe some aspects of one type of corruption - judicial corruption - and to minimize it by introducing into practice new legal provisions and digital technologies. The experience of some states, including Kyrgyzstan, in the use of digital technologies for minimizing corruption has been summarized in the paper. Also, the reasons have been provided for active development of new areas for anticorruption efforts by introducing digital technologies. According to the authors, digitalization can increase openness, public disclosure and transparency significantly, reveal corruptogenic ties, schemes and relationships, and optimize the anti-corruption efforts by the state. The research materials can prove useful for law enforcement agents who are working in corruption prevention, as well as for the general public interested in corruption problems.
A specific nature of foreign economic relations determines a need for the generation of a new approach to the structure of its legal regulation. Its specificity is that the legal regulation of the aforementioned relations is formed in the context of various spheres of public life and branches of law. Relevant issues of judicial practice regarding litigations resulted from foreign economic transactions are examined in the paper. The research is based on the objective dialectic method of cognition of legal phenomena and procedures related to the selected topic and of the examination of their interconnections. Besides, the research is based on general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, historical and logical methods, generalization, abstraction, system analysis, modelling and others. Currently, the national economy obviously tends to develop in a sinusoidal manner. It requires considering the possibility (in the frameworks of development of the intersectoral institute of foreign economic law) of using a chance to improve the mechanism of legal regulation in the field of state control over the external economic activities with a focus on judicial practice. The conducted research develops and specifies a theory of intersectoral linkages in respect to the relations in question. As a result of the conducted research, a unique legal regime of intersectoral functional legal institute of foreign economic law is established to change more prominently with the transformation of legal and objective realities.
The problem of protecting the labor rights of workers definitely attracts the attention of labor /scientists not only within the framework of national legal, but also cross-border legal field. Thus, new issues arise in this area during the unification of labor legislation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. If the jurisdictional ways of protecting labor rights are to some extent developed within the framework of the national legal order of the member states of the Union, then the institution of self-defense is deprived of the attention of the legislator in these legal orders. In this regard, it seems important to analyze such a way of protecting rights as self-defense, guided not only by the ideas of the national development of the institute in the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union member countries, but also its implementation within the framework of Union labor law. This work, as a scientific try to study the institute of self-defense by employees of their labor rights in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, takes as its basis a comparative legal scientific method. Applying this method, we can conclude that the legal model of self-defense of employees of their labor rights can be unified due to the uniform understanding of its nature by the legislation of most of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. Nevertheless, the defective and obviously insufficient elaboration of the regulation of labor and legal self-defense in the studied legal systems shows a number of practical and theoretical problems that will ultimately affect the consolidation of such a legal model1 within the framework of the Eurasian Union labor law. In this regard, it seems important to present a single legal definition of self-defense, comprising the fundamental features of this method of protection. The adoption of such a term will allow to form a uniform understanding not only among labor scientists, but also among law enforcement agencies, and will serve as a starting point for the further development of the institute of self-defense in the Eurasian Economic Union.
Introduction. Only a few out of the more than 200 known Lactobacillus species have been consistently and repeatedly associated with the human gastrointestinal tract. This number has recently been increased to more than 50 Lactobacillus species that have been repeatedly detected in the stools of healthy volunteers, including L. casei, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, etc. Some of them (e.g. L. rhamnosus) are rarely isolated from environments outside the intestine and are considered gut-autochthonous microorganisms. The level of lactobacilli can change in such disorders as diabetes mellitus, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and others. Few studies have been conducted on the distribution in young residents in the northern territories.
В этой статье мы исследуем возможности чат-бота с генеративным искусственным интеллектом ChatGPT для преподавания английского языка для специальных целей. В дополнение к этому мы также рассматриваем возможные проблемы, связанные с использованием ChatGPT.